ジャン=ジャック・ルソー(1712-78年)は、近代史上最も奥深い思想家のひとりで、「高貴な野蛮人」という概念を生み、ヨーロッパの啓蒙運動の中心的存在でした。本書では音楽、政治、文学、教育、宗教、さらに植物学にいたるまで、ルソーが取り組んだ幅広い分野に関する思想を検証し、それらが拘束のない自由な状態での人間の自己実現、という明確なヴィジョンを伴った理想から生まれたものであることを明らかにします。(cf. The Enlightenment, #443; Discourse on Political Economy and The Social Contract (Oxford World's Classics); Discourse on the Origin of Inequality (Oxford World's Classics); Reveries on the Solitary Walker (Oxford World's Classics))
One of the most profound thinkers of modern history, Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-78) was a central figure of the European Enlightenment. He was also its most formidable critic, condemning the political, economic, theological, and sexual trappings of civilization along lines that would excite the enthusiasm of romantic individualists and radical revolutionaries alike.
In this study of Rousseau's life and works Robert Wokler shows how his philosophy of history, his theories of music and politics, his fiction, educational and religious writings, and even his botany, were all inspired by visionary ideals of mankind's self-realization in a condition of unfettered freedom. He explains how, in regressing to classical republicanism, ancient mythology, direct communion with God, and solitude, Rousseau anticipated some post-modernist rejections of the Enlightenment as well.
1.: Life and times of a citizen of Geneva
2.: Culture, music, and the Corruption of Morals
3.: Human nature and civil society
4.: Liberty, virtue and citizenship
5.: Religion, education, and sexuality
6.: Vagabond reverie
Further reading, Index
ISBN : 9780192801982