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Introduction to Environmental Economics (3rd edition)
Introduction to Environmental Economics (3rd edition)

Introduction to Environmental Economics (3rd edition)

Nick Hanley; Jason Shogren; Ben White
  • Careful explanation of key economic concepts in the context of environmental problems makes this book an ideal introduction to the study of environmental economics.
  • Coverage of problems such as climate change, water pollution, and loss of biodiversity provides students with an invaluable global overview of the most pressing environmental issues of our time.
  • Assessment of different theoretical approaches to environmental economics provides a key to understanding the various possible policy responses to major environmental issues.
  • Case studies of environmental problems from across the world paint a global picture using in-depth descriptions of specific examples.
  • New 'Environmental Economics in Action' boxes and end-of-chapter 'Discussion Questions' highlight global examples and divisive talking points to prompt students to think about how the theory is applied in the real world.

New to this Edition:

  • New chapters on recycling and waste and what can be done about the global loss of biodiversity.
  • New topics covered include insights from behavioural science and renewable energy policy.
  • Substantially revised chapter on pollution.
  • New learning features include key concepts boxes, environmental economics in action boxes, and discussion questions.

Clearly written, global in approach, and theoretically broad-minded, this text is an ideal introduction to environmental economics.
Assuming no prior knowledge of economics, the international author team introduces fundamental economic concepts as they relate to our environment. They then use the fundamental concepts to explore and assess current and potential policy responses to some of the major environmental issues of our time. Examples are drawn from all over the world and include such vital issues as climate change, natural resource use, waste management, water pollution, and loss of biodiversity.


1:Introduction: Economics and the Environment
2:Markets and the Environment
3:Incentives for Conservation
4:Valuing the Environment: concepts and methods
5:Cost-Benefit Analysis and Environmental Policy
6:Environmental Risk and Behaviour
7:Economic Growth, the Environment, and Sustainable Development
8:Conflicts and Cooperation: Strategic Interactions
9:The Economics of Non-Renewable Natural Resources
10:The Economics of Renewable Resources: fisheries and forestry
11:Trade and The Environment
12:The Economics of Climate Change
13:The Economics of Water Quality Improvement
14:The Economics of Household Waste and Recycling
15:Energy and the Environment

About the author: 

Nick Hanley, Professor of Environmental and One Health Economics, University of Glasgow
Jason Shogren, Stroock Professor of Natural Resource Conservation and Management, University of Wyoming
Ben White, Professor, School of Agriculture and Resource Economics, University of Western Australia

Product details

ISBN : 9780198737230

Nick Hanley; Jason Shogren; Ben White
424 Pages
189 x 246 mm
Pub date
Apr 2019
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Introduction to Environmental Economics (3rd edition)

Introduction to Environmental Economics (3rd edition)

Introduction to Environmental Economics (3rd edition)