Oxford Teaching Workshop Series 2018

Motivate, Encourage and Empower:Smart approaches to help students grow as learners子供たちの成長を助け、学ぶ力を養う指導法

Sapporo, March 4th Sunday札幌 3月4日(日)

Sapporo-Shi Kyoiku Bunka Kaikan 3F 302 Kenshu-shitsu13 Chome, Kita 1-Jo Nishi, Chuo-Ku, Sapporo-Shi

5 min. walk from Subway Tozai Line, Nishi 11-chome sta. Exit 1

札幌市教育文化会館 3F 研修室302札幌市中央区北1条西13丁目


Doors Open
10:30 - 11:20
Yuko Suzuki
Enrich 4 skills study with extensive reading 「多読」をプラスαして子どもたちの4技能を伸ばしませんか?
In recent years, extensive reading has received a lot of attention as a method which allows learners to understand and absorb language by reading a large amount of comprehensible, interesting material without needing to translate. When running an extensive reading program, using books which are accompanied by audio enhances the learning process by exposing students to a great amount of natural spoken English, providing valuable language input. Project X, a series of readers which comes with downloadable audio. She will look at how extensive reading not only provides input through reading and listening, but also helps to develop speaking and writing skills for output. How about enriching your classes with extensive reading?


このプレゼンテーションでは、音声をダウンロードすることのできるProject Xシリーズの本を活用した「多読」を紹介します。「多読」は「読む」「聴く」などのインプットだけではなく、「話す」「書く」のアウトプット力の向上にも寄与します。授業に「多読」をプラスαしてみませんか?

11:40 - 12:30
Rob Peacock
Active Learning for the Primary Cross-Curricular Classroom 児童向け教科横断型授業のためのアクティブラーニング
We often hear that people remember 20% of what they hear and 70% of what they say and write, but is this true? In this session, after reviewing the benefits of cross-curricular classes for the primary EFL classroom, we will look at the importance of active learning. Using material from Oxford Read and Discover, participants will have a chance to experience the difference between learning information through lecture and learning through activities. Finally, we will assess whether the lecture-based approach or active learning is more effective.


このプレゼンテーションでは、児童を対象とする外国語としての英語の授業における教科横断型授業の利点を振り返り、アクティブラーニングの重要性について考察していきます。Oxford Read and Discover を使い、講義形式で受ける学習情報と、アクティビティを通して得る学びの違いを体験していただきます。最終的に講義形式の授業とアクティブラーニングのどちらがより効果的か評価します。

12:30 - 13:30
Lunch Break
13:30 - 14:20
Akinobu Shimura
How to Design Communication Activities Which Motivate Young Learners 子どもたちのやる気を引き出すコミュニケーション活動の作り方
According to the national curriculum for primary schools, students should develop their basic communication ability through "language activities" in which they actually use English to express their thoughts and feelings to each other. In this session, using materials such as the Let's Go series as a base, the presenter will introduce methods to design communication activities (which are essentially the same as the "language activities" mentioned in the national curriculum) which raise students' interest, that is, to engage and motivate them.
小学校新学習指導要領において、コミュニケーションを図る素地・基礎となる資質・能力を、実際に英語を用いて互いの考えや気持ちを伝え合う「言語活動」を通して行うとされています。このプレゼンテーションでは、「Let's Go」シリーズのテキスト等を基に、子どもたちの動機づけを高める、すなわち「やる気」を引き出すようなコミュニケーション活動(言語活動とほぼ同じ意味)の作り方を紹介します。

*Schedule and content are subject to change without prior notice. 内容は予告なく変更される場合がございますので、あらかじめご了承ください

For more details and pre-registration, please visit our website.詳細および事前予約は弊社ウェブサイトで。

