Oxford Teaching Workshop Series 2018

Motivate, Encourage and Empower:Smart approaches to help students grow as learners子供たちの成長を助け、学ぶ力を養う指導法

Okayama, March 3rd Saturday 岡山 3月3日(土)

Okayama Convention Center 4F 407 Kaigishitsu14-1 Ekimoto-machi, Kita-ku, Okayama-shi

3 min. walk from JR Okayama sta. Chuo Kaisatsu Guchi

岡山コンベンションセンター 4F 407会議室岡山市北区駅元町14-1


Doors Open
10:30 - 11:20
Kathleen Kampa and Charles Vilina
Are Your Students Listening? 子どもたちは集中して聞いていますか?

Do you feel that your students aren’t listening as carefully as they used to? Modern technology and the fast pace of life are partly to blame. How can we help our students to pay attention and really listen?

Kathleen Kampa and Charles Vilina will demonstrate practical ways to help your students become better listeners – and better speakers. Learn a variety of listening strategies using vocabulary, grammar, songs, and stories from their new course, Everybody Up 2nd Edition.


このプレゼンテーションでは、集中して聞くことができるように、そしてもっと上手く話せるように、教師は実際にどのように指導するべきかをデモンストレーションします。Everybody Up (第2版)の語彙、文法、歌、ストーリーを取り上げながら、リスニング強化のための様々な指導法をご紹介します。

11:40 - 12:30
Kevin Churchley
Unlocking the Power of the Oxford Reading Tree Oxford Reading Treeの秘めた力を解き放つ
Stories bring learning to life. Stories elevate, motivate, engage, enhance and empower.
In this presentation, experienced teacher and master storyteller Kevin Churchley will unlock the power of the Oxford Reading Tree and equip participants with the skills to deliver compelling storytelling sessions with confidence in their own classroom.


このプレゼンテーションでは英語指導やストーリーテラーとして活躍中のケビン・チャーチリー氏がOxford Reading Treeの秘めた力を解き放ち、子どもたちを引き付ける読み聞かせの秘訣を伝授します。授業に読み聞かせを採り入れたい先生方、必見です。

12:30 - 13:30
Lunch Break
13:30 - 14:20
Naoko Ashikawa
Tips to Help Children Grow as Learners 子どもたちの学ぶ力を養う秘訣
Do your students actively practice conversations with you, not just answer your questions in a passive manner? In this presentation, Naoko will explore ways to build fruitful lessons giving children more time to speak, and to grow their autonomy in learning English through group activities which build their confidence.

*Schedule and content are subject to change without prior notice. 内容は予告なく変更される場合がございますので、あらかじめご了承ください

For more details and pre-registration, please visit our website.詳細および事前予約は弊社ウェブサイトで。

