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Cosmology: A Very Short Introduction [#051]
Cosmology: A Very Short Introduction [#051]
  • Written in simple language, without mathematics
  • Covers both the history of cosmology and the latest developments
  • Explains what is known, what is believed, and what is purely speculative
  • Peter Coles writes extremely well for a general readership: he is author of Einstein and the Total Eclipse and Hawking and the Mind of God, as well as textbooks on cosmology

This book is a simple, non-technical introduction to cosmology, explaining what it is and what cosmologists do. Peter Coles discusses the history of the subject, the development of the Big Bang theory, and more speculative modern issues like quantum cosmology, superstrings, and dark matter. 


1: A Brief History
2: Einstein and All That
3: The Big Bang
4: In the Beginning
5: Cosmology by Numbers
6: What's the Matter?
7: The Emergence of Structure
8: The Future

About the author: 

Peter Coles is Professor of Theoretical Astrophysics and Head of the School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences at the University of Sussex. He has co-written two textbooks on cosmology, and over a hundred technical articles on various aspects of the Big Bang theory. He is also author of Einstein and the Total Eclipse and Hawking and the Mind of God.

There is an embarrassment of books about the universe for the general reader, but few manage to pack so much, so elegantly, into such a compact space as this does. The book is generously illustrated. - The Guardian 09/02/02
Coles takes you gently through everything from Blue Shift to parallel Universe in a thoroughly entertaining read - TNT Magazine
a pleasure to read - New Scientist, 29/09/01

Product details

ISBN : 9780192854162

Peter Coles
160 Pages
111 x 174 mm
Pub date
Aug 2001
Very Short Introductions
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Cosmology: A Very Short Introduction [#051]

Cosmology: A Very Short Introduction [#051]

Cosmology: A Very Short Introduction [#051]