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The Renaissance: A Very Short Introduction [#148]
The Renaissance: A Very Short Introduction [#148]
  • First clear and concise account of the Renaissance as a global phenomenon as opposed to a purely European event. An important new vision of the Renaissance for the 21st century by a young Renaissance scholar of a new generation.
  • Controversially disputes traditional view of a single Renaissance - proposing that this was a vibrant cultural period when western and eastern cultures mixed to great mutual benefit
  • Considers the Renaissance in terms of both science and the arts.
  • Offers both a comprehensive overview of a global Renaissance and a new view of the role of the East in the development of the European Renaissance.
  • Argues that there are significant parallels between the Renaissance and our own era.

More than ever before, the Renaissance stands as one of the defining moments in world history. Between 1400 and 1600, European perceptions of society, culture, politics and even humanity itself emerged in ways that continue to affect not only Europe but the entire world. 

This wide-ranging exploration of the Renaissance sees the period as a time of unprecedented intellectual excitement and cultural experimentation and interaction on a global scale, alongside a darker side of religion, intolerance, slavery, and massive inequality of wealth and status. It guides the reader through the key issues that defined the period, from its art, architecture, and literature, to advancements in the fields of science, trade, and travel. In its incisive account of the complexities of the political and religious upheavals of the period, the book argues that Europe's reciprocal relationship with its eastern neighbours offers us a timely perspective on the Renaissance that still has much to teach us today. 


1: A global Renaissance
2: The humanist script
3: Church and state
4: Brave New Worlds
5: Science and Philosophy
6: Rewriting the Renaissance
Further Reading

About the author: 

Dr Jerry Brotton is Senior Lecturer in Renaissance Studies, Queen Mary, University of London, and author of 'The Sale of the Late King's Goods: Charles I and his Art Collection' (Pan Macmillan).

Review from previous edition 
a young Turk who likes to entertain . . . Brotton's book is full of arts and crafts . . .engaging and alluring . . .This is a Renaissance you can touch and feel - Sunday Times

energetic and committed agenda - Financial Times

offers some impressive fresh evidence - Independent
this is a Renaissance you can touch and feel - Felipe Fernandez-Armesto

Product details

ISBN : 9780192801630

Jerry Brotton
160 Pages
111 x 174 mm
Pub date
Apr 2006
Very Short Introductions
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The Renaissance: A Very Short Introduction [#148]

The Renaissance: A Very Short Introduction [#148]

The Renaissance: A Very Short Introduction [#148]